I work with a lot of different languages and frameworks. Sometimes the hardest part of getting started with a new project is trying to recall the setup steps for a particular language or framework – especially after I’ve been immersed for months in a different one. I wrote this guide to bootstrap getting a Laravel […]
Author: admin
The most annoying Chrome Extension
The hardest part of any new project is just getting started. Whenever a task seems overwhelming the best way forward is to break it into smaller tasks. For programming tasks that means getting started with basic bootstrapping activities, and since they’re the same for every project, they can be pretty easily templated. With that in […]
Powershell Script – Automate User Home Path
This is useful in organizations that automate the new account creation process and also have roaming profiles. The following script creates the profile and home path and sets the user’s AD account. This assumes that when new accounts are created they are put into an OU called NewUsers, and that when this script runs, everyone […]
Powershell Script – Get members of a group
One critical and often requested task is to be able to produce a csv list of members of an AD group.
Powershell Script – Automate Email Address in AD
Exchange refugees often wonder how they can replace the automatic process of populating AD mail fields after they migrate away from exchange. The solution is usually a lot simpler than people expect. You literally just write a value to them. Here’s a script that lets you pass in a username. It prepends it to your […]
Powershell Script – All Users who have never logged on
A short powershell script to show you all users on your domain who have never logged on. Sometimes, if your organization’s automations aren’t tight, you end up creating AD Accounts for new employees who’s hire get’s rescinded before they actually start. In which case you can end up with users in your AD who have […]
Powershell Script – Get a list of all executable files in a directory
The customer had been through years of personnel changes that had resulted in thousands of files dumped into a shared directory. They wanted to inventory what executables they were supporting and make a plan for migrating them, but didn’t know whether they were dealing with tens, or thousands. This script returns a list of every […]
Powershell Script – Search for a file containing text
The customer was moving file servers and needed to know which of their users had a desktop shortcut to the old mapped drive. They used roaming profiles, so all users desktop directories were subfolders under a single parent folder. One of the biggest advantages of using Powershell for this task is that it can access […]
Using Postman with Google APIs
I always use Google’s python libraries whenever I can, because I like easy. But the libraries aren’t designed to connect to every endpoint. Anything using the older “m8/feeds” you will have to connect the old-fashioned way: by building out a full OAuth client. And the first place to start any OAuth app development is Postman […]
OpenVPN on Linux
One challenge I encountered in my journey to ditch Windows was that my VPN provider didn’t support every flavor of Linux I wanted to use. The typical instructions for setting up a VPN connection in Linux involve using OpenVPN – which comes pre-installed in the vast majority of user-forward commercial-ready Linux distros. You’ll find it […]